In which I add a few more evening clouds and sunsets to a series I thought was finished.
With the pandemic still restricting travel—at least for me—there are not a lot of new places to photograph. The changing character of the local woodlands as leaves turn color and fall offers some photographic interest. But the weather and clouds change the most, so I keep returning to favorite spots to watch and photograph the weather—especially in the late afternoon.
Heavy clouds to the west this day made the prospect of any color rather dim. Photo: © Donald J. Rommes
In the rainy season that is upon us now, colorful sunsets are uncommon and difficult to predict.. As a photographer, you have to be in place and wait for a break in the clouds. More often than not, it never comes.
Later that same afternoon, from the spit at Drayton Harbor. The clouds to the northwest broke somewhat, revealing blue sky and a yellow glint of sunlight reflecting off windows in White Rock, BC, Canada. Photo: © Donald J. Rommes
The preceding photos are illustrative. Heavy clouds gave way to a few breaks that later closed. Only a few spots of yellow color made it to the sea.
Still later, looking west. Photo: © Donald J. Rommes
On another day, the clouds did break, and we were treated to great color. Shafts of red light from the setting sun briefly painted the lowest clouds. The moment was fleeting and the color soon vanished, but not before I recorded it for you..
The following week, looking west to the San Juan islands from Birch Bay State Park. Photo: © Donald J. Rommes
Moments after the preceding photo, one shaft of red light remains and the color fades from the rest of the clouds on the horizon.