After a full year of avoiding social gatherings and travel, Nancy and I finally received our second dose of the coronavirus vaccine. A weight has been lifted from our shoulders and the prospect of traveling safely now seems reachable. The pace of vaccination is finally gathering steam and we hope everyone can get protected very soon.
Will the beginning of spring mean the beginning of the end for Covid-19? Let's hope so. Photo: © Donald J. Rommes
By the end of the third week of February 2021, and in only one year's time, 500,000 Americans had died from the coronavirus disease. That is more deaths from a virus than all the Americans who lost their lives fighting in WW1, WW2, and the Vietnam War—combined.
That's a fearful statistic and the reason why so many of us did whatever they could to avoid getting the infection. For many, that meant no travel, no socializing, no eating in restaurants, minimal family time, and a lonely Christmas holiday.
But now, finally, with the protection afforded us by the vaccine, we can see the light at the end of a very long tunnel. We are even daring to make tentative travel plans again—just in time for spring!