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Christmas wishes

Don Rommes

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

As 2020 ends, a ray of hope for a "normal" 2021

The fog lifts and rays of light stream into the redwood forest. Photo: © Donald J. Rommes

Christmas is here and a long, hard winter still lies in front of us. The Christmas of 2020 will not be so merry or festive for many of us. The century's worst pandemic has already claimed more than 320,000 American lives, many people will be get infected during the holidays and sadly, many more will die before things improve.

The bright spot in this dreadful, dreary year is that at least two very effective vaccines are even now being injected into arms. First to be vaccinated will be the medically vulnerable — elderly in places of assisted living — and the occupationally vulnerable — our healthcare workers. .

The rest of us will have to wait longer, perhaps until early summer, for our shot at the shot. By the end of 2021, things may actually start getting back to normal.

God knows we are ready for that! So is everyone.

Meanwhile, patience. Take precautions, be safe, and we'll see you on the road in the fall. Maybe we'll even buy you a beer in celebration.

From Don and Nancy at Iris Arts, please have the best and safest Christmas possible.



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