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Free E-book from our sister site!

Don Rommes

A E-book featuring photographs of the Escalante Canyons of southern Utah has just been made available on our non-commercial sister website

From the E-book: These lovely and interesting canyons have a lot to teach us about the natural world, life on the planet, Time, and ourselves. But perhaps the most useful lesson I have learned concerns the combined role of nature and solitude in fostering physical and mental well-being, clarity of thought, cognitive improvement, and creativity.

One of our photographers recently self-published a hardcover book on the Escalante Canyons as a way to commemorate President Biden's decision to restore Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument to its original size after being drastically cut by former President Trump. The book was intended as a self-published gift to its author, but a number of other people expressed interest in its contents.

After several requests, we decided to make the PDF available as an E-book in order to increase awareness of these remote and wonderful canyons. It can be downloaded for free (by using the Promo Code) from the E-books section of the Rommes Arts website. Click here for a direct link to the product page.

We place this announcement on the Iris Arts website primarily to inform our followers about the varied interests of our talented photographers. Most of the canyon photographs in the E-book will never be displayed in a hospital patient's room, but the canyons themselves offer the opportunity to experience a sublime combination of solitude and nature. We know that getting there is not everyone's cup of tea, but we'd love for our photographs to communicate some of the feeling we get from being there.


All images © 2025 Donald J. Rommes and Nancy Rommes

Blaine, Washington, USA

Website © 2025 by RommesArts

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