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Panoramas as Instagram Stories

Don Rommes

Updated: Jun 7, 2021

Our first try at presenting panos on social media

In the last blog, we discussed the problem of how best to display panoramic images—so impressive as large prints, so disappointingly small on a computer display—on social media. Although we don't have an answer, we have an idea.

A typical panorama. This pano has a 2.5:1 ratio that won't work on social media as is. We could choose to divide this in 3 equal sections, upload all three, and the viewer could swipe across the page to see the effect of a pano. Or, we could try something else. Photo: © Donald J. Rommes

In previous blog posts, we presented several of our panoramas as videos that panned slowly from left to right across the image. We thought a similar presentation—truncated to fit in the 15 seconds allotted by Instagram— may work for that platform. We added music (muted by default) and a brief display of our website address.

These and similar Stories will be posted by us on our Instagram account

We are not sure how they will be received, but we will let you know.



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